Seth writes: "The sound component of this installation consists of rain recorded from my childhood home -my earliest memories of a sound to which I could put a name - mixed with recordings of rain from nearly every house, or apartment, where I've lived since. I love not being able to tell exactly where the individual droplets come from when it's raining, and how a room can sing in resonance when a strong rain beats 011 the roof like a drum roll. When it rains, I like to irnagine myself above the roof, completely dry, listening to the drips ... the roof translucent and glowing witl1 the warm light of the indoors.
Recently the roof and chimney of my childhood home in Poestenkill, New York were updated for the first time since they were constructed. The bricks and shingles in this installation are remnants of that previous construction. Twenty-nine years of acid rain has turned once half-inch thick shingles into delicate, pockmarked topographies that - in my mind - transform the rain into a form of handwriting or script, like the groove on a record or the chicken-scratch notations of a doctor."
All images copyright The Third Barn, 2025